Thursday, November 29, 2007

Levels Quadrupled!!

Well, Dr. T called and my preggo hormones have quadrupled since Tuesday!! As long as they doubled then we were doing good. James says they've quadrupled because we're having twins. I think he's lost his ever-lovin' mind!! Can you even imagine me with twins?? No! Of course not! I would like get them mixed up or something!! Way to crazy. I'm scatterbrained enough as it is. I mean, don't get me wrong. I would love to be blessed by twins, but no. But seriously, that's not even the point at this moment. I am sooooo excited to finally be pregnant! I mean I'm trying not to freak out. I have to admit, I'm a little scared. The statistics are that this baby will be fine, but I just wish there was a way to know for sure. I do know that no matter what happens it will be God's will and even though I may not like what that is at the time, I do know it's the absolute best. So I'm going to bed tonight with an elated peace of mind. I'm elated that we're pregnant and I have the peace of mind that God has control over not only this pregnancy, but of my life, my husband, my son, my daughter and my future children. He will do what's best and I am grateful to just be a part of His majestic plan.

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