Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why do you do it?

Why do you do what you do? Think about that for a moment. No I mean REALLY think about it. I had to go out of town today and I stopped for lunch, got out my Bible study and began thinking and praying. Well, beside me sat a fairly large group and they weren't exactlhy quiet. Not that that bothered me, but what did bother me was one line of conversation I overheard. Now let me say I happen to have previously lived in the town I lunched at today and a couple that was at that table attended the same church as I. I was young, they were older, it was a big church. They didn't recognize me at all, but I knew they were christians. I also heard one of the other ladies at the table refer to the gentleman at the end of the table as "pastor". So, we have a group of Christians sitting at the table beside me. Mind you, I seriously was NOT eavesdropping! Really, I wasn't. It was a large group, they were kinda loud. I was actually trying to do my bible study. (Note to self pick a QUIET place!!) Anyways, here's my point.
One of the ladies says, "Did you see all the people leave after dinner Wednesday night? I mean 'so & so' didn't even stay for service! They just ate and left! Oh, the nerve! I mean if they want to eat they should at least stay and listen to the service!" Others joined in with similar comments about how "they would never do such a thing", and it "just wasn't right".
Now, granted part of me agrees with this line of thinking. But, when Jesus told us to feed the least of these, did He say..."by the way, only do it if they will listen to what ya got to say"? No. He didn't. We are instructed to do these things to show the love of Christ, not to lure them in and make them listen to us. It may take several months of a couple, family, whatever coming to dinner and getting to know everyone before they feel comfortable staying for service.
I understand it can get frustrating when people don't do what we think they should do, but remember we don't know what's going on in their life. Do as God instructs you to do. And that's it. Let Him do the rest of the work. When we try to do His job to it doesn't exactly work out. And when we complain at His progress, well what does that say about our faith?
I just challenge you to think about what you do and why. If it's not for the glory of God, don't do it. If you're expecting a certain result from people, chances are you won't get exactly what you think you will.

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